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You can choose a plan by clicking "ENROLL TODAY", save the plan you chose and complete the enrollment later. Get information sent to you by clicking "REQUEST INFORMATION" or speak to a licensed sales agent virtually by dialing 877-312-7787
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People who have Medicare and Medicaid in Virginia and in other states can qualify for additional benefits at no extra cost. They do this by enrolling in Medicare Part C also known as "Medicare Advantage" (MA). These are Medicare insurance plans administered by a private insurance company with a Medicare contract. These plans cover all of Medicare's Part A and Part B medical benefits together in each plan. Many MA plans also include prescription (Part D) drug coverage!  Medicare Advantage plans cover extra benefits a lot of times at no cost at all to the member.  Coverage that includes Dental with Preventative, Basic, and Comprehensive services. Some plans have coverage for Dentures! Members can also enjoy coverage for Eye Exams and Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses. Hearing Aids, Wellness Supplies, and a Fitness Membership are some more of the benefits these members enjoy. The Centers  for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) AKA "Medicare" evaluates these plans based on a

5 star rating system every year. You can see the plans ratings and benefit structures in the back of the "Medicare and You" handbook, that is sent to beneficiaries every year. Or you can see what plans are available in your area by visiting ( the official site. You can also request a free "Over The Phone" consultation by dialing 1-877-312-7787. YOU MAY NOT HAVE TO WAIT until the "Annual Enrollment Period" (AEP) to enroll which begins October 15th and lasts through December 7th each year.    

Maximize Your Medicare And Medicaid Potential Now!

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